In Between Sets with Michael Glabicki of Rusted Root

20151130_rustedRoot_blogImage_600x314 Michael Glabicki of genre-bending acoustic rock group Rusted Root recently sat down with Knockdown Alley to answer some questions about his inspirations, his alternate life, and the definition of success. Take a look at the exclusive interview! 1.What's your favorite after-show meal? Unfortunately, pizza. 2. If you could choose one song to play when you enter a room, what song would you choose? Final Countdown 3. Who's your favorite active musician/band today? Arcade Fire 4. What artist or band today would you want to collaborate with? Santana 5. What musical moment do you wish you saw in history? A Mozart concert in a small room. 6. If you weren't a musician, what job would you choose? Engineer / Producer 7. Would you rather live underwater or in outer space? Outer space, but somewhere with water. 8. What song can you not get out of your head today? Heart of Gold - Neil Young 9. If you could travel in time, would you rather go to the future or to the past? The future. 10. How do you define success? Personal evolution mixes with artistic evolution. We are all here for one thing and that is to transmute inner imbalances. Music is my path and my mirror it reflects my own advancement. Inner advancement and transcendence is the only thing that will feel like success upon death.